We are committed to providing high quality services to all of our clients. In the event that a problem occurs we are committed to ensuring that we deal with this as swiftly as possible.
If you wish to make a complaint regarding Creditplus, please contact us in the first instance by email at complaints@creditplus.finance or by post at:
Complaints Department
Bourne House
23 Hinton Road
You can also contact us directly over the phone on 01202 684898. When you call ask to be put through to the Complaints department and a member of our team will connect you.
Upon receipt of any complaint the person responsible for investigating the complaint will issue a letter of acknowledgement within 5 business days of the initial notification stating the name of the appointed individual who will be dealing with the complaint.
The person responsible for handling your complaint will then provide a written response to you within 20 business days of receipt of the complaint. However, if the complaint is sufficiently complicated to warrant longer investigation or it requires a review of further information and a response cannot be given within 20 business days, we will inform you in writing of the reasons why we have been unable to resolve the complaint and when you can expect to receive a final response from us.
If a final response is not ready within 40 days, we will again notify you as to why this is and when you should expect to receive a final response. You may be able to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service if you have not received a final response within 40 days. If you are still not satisfied once we have made our decision on the complaint, you may write to us again.
This Complaints Procedure does not affect any right of legal action you may have against the parties concerned.
If we consider that another Authorised Firm or a Regulated Financial Institution is entirely or partly responsible for the subject matter of a Complaint, we may refer the Complaint, or the relevant part of it, to the other Authorised Firm or Regulated Financial Institution. If we do so we will inform you in writing and obtain your consent to do so.
All records will be kept for a period of six years.
We are committed to providing high quality services to all of our clients. In the event that a problem occurs we are committed to ensuring that we deal with this as swiftly as possible.
If you wish to make a complaint regarding Creditplus, please contact us in the first instance by email at complaints@creditplus.finance or by post at:
Complaints Department
Bourne House
23 Hinton Road
You can also contact us directly over the phone on 01202 684898. When you call ask to be put through to the Complaints department and a member of our team will connect you.
Upon receipt of any complaint the person responsible for investigating the complaint will issue a letter of acknowledgement within 5 business days of the initial notification stating the name of the appointed individual who will be dealing with the complaint.
The person responsible for handling your complaint will then provide a written response to you within 20 business days of receipt of the complaint. However, if the complaint is sufficiently complicated to warrant longer investigation or it requires a review of further information and a response cannot be given within 20 business days, we will inform you in writing of the reasons why we have been unable to resolve the complaint and when you can expect to receive a final response from us.
If a final response is not ready within 40 days, we will again notify you as to why this is and when you should expect to receive a final response. You may be able to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service if you have not received a final response within 40 days. If you are still not satisfied once we have made our decision on the complaint, you may write to us again.
This Complaints Procedure does not affect any right of legal action you may have against the parties concerned.
If we consider that another Authorised Firm or a Regulated Financial Institution is entirely or partly responsible for the subject matter of a Complaint, we may refer the Complaint, or the relevant part of it, to the other Authorised Firm or Regulated Financial Institution. If we do so we will inform you in writing and obtain your consent to do so.
All records will be kept for a period of six years.