Money Experts
Money Experts are mainly known for their really useful personal finance tool Money Dashboard. It helps you budget and shows you where your money really goes. The blog is filled with tips from day to day finances to lifestyle. |
14426 |
217 |
3311 |
Fiona Howarth
The Money Buddy is run by Fiona Howarth, a finance world insider who is now waging a war against unresponsive lenders and careless borrowers. If youre a bailiff or a debt collector, dont follow her because its likely shes already following you! |
10308 |
51 |
310 |
Mrs Thrifty
Amongst many things that makes Mrs Thrifys work amazing, are the How-to guides shes posted on her blog. With things ranging from how to make a pistachio wreath to some really effective eBay How-tos, youre guaranteed to have good time and learn something new. Her Twitter feed is equally useful sharing tips on how to save money on pets and how to find a perfect bargain. |
9765 |
155 |
53313 |
MSN Money
The official feed for the MSN Money UK. You can find local finance news amongst the nuggets of fashion, travel and housekeeping tips. MSN is still one of the biggest web portals out there and the stuff they publish is usually pretty high quality. |
9342 |
200 |
17744 |
Sarah Pennells
Sarah Pennells is empowering women to become more confident with their finances. She makes things like ISAs and Government Bonds sound really simple and accessible. Also talking about Money and your Partner an aspect that many of us choose to ignore before the situation spirals out of control. |
8238 |
271 |
15691 |
Ian Fraser
Ian Fraser is a finance blogger and author. Hes been around since the 1980s working for huge national publications like Observer and Guardian both in the UK and on the continent. He has embraced the new media like blogs and social networks and built a really popular Twitter account where he shares his financial insights. |
7365 |
362 |
8708 |
Motley Fool
The crew behind The Motley Fool have been showing the people that everyone can be an investor since 1996. They wont tell you how to save money but if you have some extra and you feel confident to leave the highstreet saving behind, The Fool is your best destination. |
6826 |
271 |
10671 |
Jasmine Birtle
Thanks to its charismatic founder, Jasmine, the Money Magpie gets a second listing. How good is that? Jasmine Birtle is a TV presenter, financial journalist and humorist. Now many of us will struggle to have finances and humour on the same page but Jasmine manages it beautifully and her Twitter feed is well worth a follow. |
6416 |
163 |
13147 |
Andrew Oxlade
Andrew Oxlade will surely be popular with the part of our readers who consider themselves DIY investors. Andrew is the personal finance editor for the Telegraph and his tweets are sharing predictions on currency rates, share prices and other useful investment info that, if used with prudence, can make your investment work for you. |
6333 |
197 |
3287 |
Ian Cowie
Ian Cowie is a professional journalist working for The Telegraph. Hes the head of Personal Finance at Telegraph Media Group and hes writing some really serious stuff. What I find remarkable about Ian Cowies writing style is that the serious finance and banking stuff he produces doesnt sound boring. |
6275 |
214 |
1085 |
Moneywiseonline is the official account for the Moneywise magazine. Just like the name suggests, they teach people about making wise decisions regarding their money. The magazine covers topics like savings, budgeting and avoiding scams. |
6200 |
162 |
3837 |
Rob Lewis
Rob Lewis is not your usual personal finance blogger. If you read his blog you soon come to realise that this man has a geeky side to him. Therefore many of the articles deal with modern technology and explain how geekery can make it easier to manage money. Apps, gadgets, tips on finding valuable information on the web if youre trying to bring your finances into the digital era, following MoneyWatch is a must! |
5698 |
193 |
9041 |
Savvy Scot
This is pretty much self-explanatory. Scotsmen are known to be savvy with their money. This particular Scot, however, is also happy to share his insights on making the most of your money or even making some extra if necessary. |
5588 |
35 |
1778 |
Chris Skinner
Chris Skinner, or The Finanser, runs the Financial Services Club Blog and posts interesting stuff on Twitter. The articles he writes could be described as advanced. Its not something that an everyday saver and bargain hunter would necessarily want to delve into but if you want to understand what is really happening in the world of financial services, Chris Skinners blog is the source not to be missed. |
5563 |
319 |
15637 |
Simon Read
Simon Read is finance editor at the Independent. He uses his popular Twitter account to showcase the work he and his colleagues are doing for the Independents Money section. If youre looking for reliable and well-researched finance articles, follow Simon. |
4682 |
196 |
14413 |
Love Money
Yes, LoveMoney may be a personal finance comparison engine, however, the impression you get when you visit their site (or the Twitter feed for that matter) is that theyre really useful. And indeed they are. They are not afraid to share knowledge with the readers. The topics range from money saving advice to consumer rights to latest financial news. |
4567 |
184 |
8323 |
Penny Golightly
Penny Golightly is getting lots of love from the industry experts warranting awards and frequent mentions. We are not an exception. She has to be included in this finance tweeters list for her talent for spotting a bargain and for her cheerful way of conveying the money-saving message. |
4518 |
139 |
21068 |
Simon Gompertz
Simon Gompertz works as a personal finance correspondent for BBC and his popular Twitter account is a mixture of stuff he writes for the Beeb and personal views about money, the banking sector and other things related or unrelated to money. |
4508 |
148 |
2357 |
Miss Thrifty
Creditplus joins the large crowd of finance experts and bloggers who have given Miss Thrifty a hearty shout-out. Shes been featured on publications like The Independent, Cosmopolitan, Glamour and others. Shes not just a thrifty bargain hunter (although most of her posts are about bargain hunting), she also offers great tips on budgeting, debt and saving. |
4180 |
130 |
2135 |
Annie Shaw
If you think Annie Shaw seems familiar, you are right. You must have come across her cheerful personality on Daily Express, Radio London, Saga, Feisty Friday or The Cash Questions. Her popular blog and forum has got a cool feature where you can ask a finance related question and get an answer from a professional. |
4027 |
183 |
17436 |
The Bitter Wallet
The guys at Bitter Wallet make the finance sound really cool. I guess its the style of their writing and the fact that they dilute the boring (but necessary) stuff with a more light-hearted, funny and oftentimes outrageous material. Bitter Wallet is one of the most popular personal finance and consumer blogs in the UK and their Twitter account is regularly updated with financial awesomeness. |
3471 |
115 |
9442 |
Money Magpie
You couldnt come up with a more fitting name even if you tried. Being a magpie is the true character of this personal finance blog. The London-based blog shares articles on the three main facets of living a financially fulfilled life: making money, saving money and finding the perfect bargain. |
3423 |
56 |
6201 |
At the core of their existence, the Moneyfacts is a financial service comparison website. But dont let me take anything away from the MoneyFacts because their blog and their Twitter feed are really useful. The in-depth articles will help people to navigate through the treacherous waters of the post-recession personal finance. |
3067 |
77 |
2972 |
The's Twitter feed is run by Hannah a lady who has got an eye for a bargain. The feed also contains regular money saving tips, breaking financial news and guides on budgeting and striking the best deal on popular personal finance products. |
2545 |
84 |
1633 |
Monty's Blog
Full disclosure given! Andrew Montlake is a mortgage advisor with Coreco Mortgages. In his spare time hes the author of the Montys Mortgage Blog and a spokesman who enjoys talking about mortgages and does it in a compelling way. Follow Monty for the latest updates on the UKs mortgage market and an odd finance tip. |
2489 |
64 |
11058 |
Money + Motivator = Monevator. If youre motivated about making money work for you, not the other way round, the Monevator is your kind of information feed. Run by a two-person team, otherwise know as the Monevator and the Accumulator, this blog will teach you how to get rich slowly by saving and investing wisely. |
2308 |
144 |
2097 |
Peter Millikin
Peter Millikin is running the official Twitter account for You Could Save sharing advice on how to save money on financial services and consumer products. |
1662 |
58 |
1599 |
Richard Evans
Another professional journalist makes our list. Richard Evans reports on finance and money for the Telegraph. His broad repertoire is spanning tax matters, pensions and banking. Also reporting on the daily goings-on in the finance world so that you know whats actually happening with your money. |
1192 |
32 |
322 |
The Lean Times
Viviana reveals to her readers ingenious tips on how to live a comfortable life within ones means. So many people are spending more than they can afford without realising that they can easily optimise their lifestyle and enjoy themselves without increasing their income. |
1184 |
66 |
5504 |
Andrew Hagger
Andrew Hagger is a PR specialist providing media services for professionals working in the finance sector, however, many of his tweets are highly useful for an everyday saver or DIY investor. Andrew is also a freelance money journalist exhibiting an easy and focused writing style. |
1157 |
32 |
956 |
Fighting impulse buying one app at a time. OrSaveIt is a great free app for iPhone or Android providing teaching people how to save on everyday purchases in a novel and fun way. Also check their blog for tips. |
1141 |
5 |
730 |
Money Bulldog
Bite back at the recession and follow the Money Bulldog for valuable financial tips. Despite its playful name, the blog and consecutively, the Twitter account are both great sources for professional advice on various aspects of money. I especially like their business tips. |
1007 |
15 |
2544 |
Sterling Effort
The guys at Sterling Effort make a good point children are not taught about money matters during their school years. Like it or not, money is a big part of our lives and managing it the proper way is a science. Sterling Effort are trying to make up for the shortcomings of the educational system and teach people how to manage money. |
776 |
22 |
1128 |
Karen Bryan
Karen Bryan is another Scot making it onto our list of savvy people. She teaches people how to live better while spending less. Karen tweets about personal finance and blogging. Look out for her tweets marked with #ukpf a hashtag that she has devised to create awareness of the local personal finance matters. |
727 |
24 |
10970 |
Maria Nedeva
Maria Nedeva is a Manchester-based personal finance blogger. Her focus is on making money, not so much on saving money. The truly insightful posts show people how they can think outside the box in order to change their finances for the better. In other words anyone can learn how to make more money! |
645 |
18 |
4086 |
Money Saving Pig
The MoneySavingPig is the official account of the Money Saving Challenge. Its what I call a niche blog. Unlike some other people on this list, the MoneySavingPig devotes his/her attention to one big goal buying a house. Among the articles dealing with property market and mortgages, it also provides tips on saving money for the deposit or buying the house outright. |
359 |
15 |
290 |
Daniel Ben-Ami
Daniel Ben-Ami is the author of Ferraris for All a book on economic progress and the sensitive topic of equality/inequality. He also runs a blog and publishes a Twitter feed where he tries to capture a bigger picture of the current economical situation both in the UK and globally. |
325 |
14 |
891 |
Retire Invest
Thinking about your retirement today rather than tomorrow! People often elude this subject because theyre scared of getting old. Nevertheless, planning ahead means enjoying life to the full when youre no longer working full-time. Retirement investment specialist Tod shares advice on how not to limit ourselves to the meagre state pension. |
133 |
2 |
91 |